Elizabeth I: The Life of Gloriana – 2022 – ENDED
Registration now closed
I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for "Anne Boleyn, the Woman who Changed England" event. It was not 'just' a Masterclass but a total experience. The guest speakers, each with a unique and personal approach, brought new insights into the ups and downs of Anne Boleyn's significance in history as a whole, but also provided a window into the intimate experience of Anne Boleyn, her family and her contemporaries. The interaction with the fellow followers was an experience in itself. People from Canada, USA, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Germany (I hope I didn’t forgot any) and myself from Flanders found each other around the same theme. Although I have been fascinated by Anne Boleyn and family for more than 55 years, I gained a lot of new knowledge